Teltron® injection-molded housing control unit for critical potential tube operation.


The Teltron® control unit is a modular faculty for the operation of critical potential tubes that was specially developed for teaching applications in teaching centers by 3B Scientific. Our injection-molded housing protects the sensitive electronics, which are often subjected to high stress as a result of being assembled and disassembled multiple times. The process and material must be fully coordinated with each other. The customer’s requirements with regard to robustness, durability and dimensional stability were correspondingly high. Thanks to our experience in selecting high-quality materials, we were able to set the right course for the project’s success as early as the design phase.


A fully automatic multi-cavity process consequently reduces the risk and thus unnecessary rejects in the series production run. Sensitive process monitoring systems ensure consistent quality control and maximum reproducibility. Each process step is continuously monitored using measuring machines, gauges, dial gauges and calipers, and documented in the CAQ system.

In order to achieve the required level of robustness and resilience, we use a particularly resistant polycarbonate.


The complete manufacturing takes place at our GEK production site in Oelsnitz. Customers and projects benefit from cross-departmental coordination and the corresponding synergy effects of single-site manufacturing.

Personal contact

Markus Schwab

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